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Adobe Photoshop CS Fast and Easy

From the basics of cropping images and adding text to enhancing
projects through filters and layers, this book is the perfect tool for
turning flyers or digital photos into customized, professional quality
pieces. You will learn how to create high-quality artwork with the
widest variety of tools and controls using Photoshop CS and "Adobe
Photoshop CS Fast & Easy". Whether you are new to working with digital
images or simply new to working with Photoshop, this book shows you
how to master the newest and most diverse features in the latest
version of Photoshop. Either way, it's a great starting place to
becoming a digital artist! Nearly every step in the book is clearly
illustrated, so you won't have to struggle to learn a process or find
the right tool in the toolbox.

The nontechnical language helps smooth
the transition from newbie to comfortable user of this sometimes
intimidating product



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