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Computer Programming books

Everytime I searched for a book online....I found many but coulnt find the one prescribed.......So when I found some....I would like to share it with the engineering students community.

C-the complete reference 4th edition by Herbert Schildt.

Thinking in C++
volume 1 and volume 2
C++ Programming books:
Addison Wesley - Applied C++ Techniques For Building Better Software
Addison Wesley - C++ Standard Library. A Tutorial And Reference
Addison Wesley - C++ Templates - The Complete Guide
Mcgraw Hill - C++ Demystified
Mcgraw Hill - The Art of C++.
No Starch Press - How Not To Program In Cpp
O'reilly - C++ In A Nutshell
O'reilly - Secure Programming Cookbook For C And C++
Que - Optimizing C++
O Rielly -Practical C Programming
Object oriented programming by Robert Lafore
Algorithms and Datastructures in C++ by Alan Parker
C Algorithms for real time DSP-Paul Embree
Let Us C by Y Kanetkar

Cand Datastructures by Nell Dale

Algorithms and Datastructures-The saience of computing by Douglas Baldwin

John Wiley HTML XHTML CSS Bible
A tutorial on HTML[Executable file]
CSS the definitive guide
Beginning Web programming using HTML CSS
An Introduction to HTML
HTML for dummies 5th edition
HTML Express Course
HTML Utopia Designing using CSS

JAVASCRIPTS Complete Reference 2nd edition
Flash CS3 for dummies
Wiley Linux BIBLE 2008

Operating Systems Concepts by Silberscahtz
Adobe Photoshop CS2-Classroom in a book
Photoshop CS 2 for dummies
Networking for Dummies 8th edition
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step by step guide
Visual Basic dot net black book
Data Clustering theory-Algorithms and Applications
Introduction to Theory Of Computation
Introduction to Operating System Design and Implementation
Javascripts Bible
Operating Systems


Encyclopedia of Networking
Fedora Unleashed 2008
Microsoft Encyclopedia of networking
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and engineering
Schaums outlines Data structures using JAVA

C++ GUI Programming
Professional Visual Studio 2008
WIN 32 API reference

Introduction to theory of computation by gurari

Hungry Minds Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration
C the complete reference
Thinking in complexity
Digital design and computer architecture
C ++ the complete reference
Object oriented software composition


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