X-Men: Evolution is a two-time Emmy Award winning American animated television series about the Marvel Comics superhero team the X-Men. In this incarnation several of the characters are teenagers rather than adults. The series ran for a total of four seasons (52 episodes) from November 2000 until October 2003 on Kids' WB, which has made it the third longest running Marvel Animated series, behind only the Spider-Man animated series and the original X-Men animated series.
Episode 1"Strategy X"
As Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) adapts to his new home at the Xavier Institute, Mystique attempts to spy on the facility. She enlists Todd Tolanski (Toad), a mutant with frog-like abilities to scope the place out.
Episode 2 "The X-Impulse"
Chicago native Kitty Pryde begins to exhibit the mutant ability of being able to phase through solid objects. Charles Xavier and Jean Grey head over to try and enlist her into their institute before a scheming trouble maker (who also happens to be a mutant who can create earthquakes) gets her to use her powers for wrong causes.
Episode 3"Rogue Recruit"
When Rogue accidentally triggers her mutant power by absorbing a local boy's memories, strengths, and abilities, the X-Men head off to Caldecott County, Mississippi to recruit her. However, Mystique isn't willing to let her out of her grasp. She gets to Rogue first and is able to convince her that X-Men are hunting her down.
Episode 4 "Mutant Crush"
Fred Dukes (Blob), a former sideshow entertainer from Texas, gets enlisted by Mystique into Bayville High, but his short temper and blubbery girth prevents him from making any necessary friends. He does get some help from Jean Grey in finding his way around the school, but things take a turn for the worst when he mistakes this for love.
Episode 5"Speed and Spyke"
Evan Daniels, Ororo Monroe/Storm's nephew, is exihibiting his mutant ability of projecting boned spikes. Despite knowing his powers, Daniels initially refuses to join the X-Men. However, when former basketball teammate Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) continually steals money from him (along with getting him in trouble), Evan accepts the offer in an attempt to take his former friend down.
Episode 6"Middleverse"
Kurt's childish behavior makes Scott mad at him. Later, Kurt (in his true form) accidentally activates a device which transfers him to a parallel dimension. There, he meets Forge, who had been trapped there since the late seventies, and together, they devise a plan to break out and return to their normal dimension.
Episode 7 "Turn of the Rogue"
Scott Summers/Cyclops and Jean Grey prepare for their geology club excursion, but Mystique has different plans in mind, replacing Jean with Rogue, in an attempt to put further distance between her and the X-Men's trust. In the end, Rogue finds out about Mystique's plans and finally joins the X-Men.
Episode 8"Spykecam"
For extra credit, Spyke films the current events in his life. However, his project takes a turn for the worst when Sabretooth uses the video camera to find out where the Xavier Institute is in order to hunt down his rival, Wolverine.
Episode 9"Survival of the Fittest"
The X-Men and the Brotherhood battle each other in a summer camp, but must cooperate when a bigger and unstoppable mutant threatens both Charles Xavier and Mystique.
Episode 10"Shadowed Past"
Rogue has nightmares about Kurt being abducted. It turns out that when she absorbed Mystique's memory of her prior plan of keeping her away from the X-Men, she also absorbed her memories, allowing the X-Men to find out that Mystique is Kurt's mother. Wolverine also discovers that Nightcrawler was the object of heinous experiments conducted by Magneto, but decides not to tell him.
Episode 11 "Grim Reminder"
Wolverine's tortured origin comes back to haunt him. He goes into the Canadian wilderness to find Weapon X. He runs into not only his archrival Sabretooth, but the doctor who gave him his adamantium claws. It turns out that the doctor still plans to use Wolverine to carry out Weapon X by brainwashing him with a microchip that was implanted into Logan's brain a long time ago. It's up to Shadowcat and Nightcrawler (who accompanied Wolverine accidentally, as they were in the X-Jet when he took it) to save the day.
Episode 12"The Cauldron (Part 1)"
Scott is reunited with his brother Alex, as the X-Men are forced to fight the Brotherhood for a place in Magneto's sanctuary.
Episode 13"The Cauldron (Part 2)"
Magneto holds multiple battles to find out which mutants are "worthy" of joining him on Asteroid M. The "winners" are abducted by force and offered a place in the Cauldron, in which mutant powers are increased to "their full level".
Episode 14"Growing Pains"
The Brotherhood (minus Mystique) gatecrash the girl's championship soccer match (where Jean's team is a part of) and threaten to expose mutantkind to the world.
Episode 15"Power Surge"
Jean Grey loses control of her powers, and the only one able to contain her is Rogue.
Episode 16"Bada-Bing Bada-Boom!"
Boom Boom flirts with Nightcrawler, and then gets a visit from her criminal father who wants her to commit a crime for him. Tabitha reluctantly agrees, but then crosses the way of the Brotherhood, and joins them at the end of the episode.
Episode 17"Fun and Games"
While Professor X has to mend Juggernaut's stasis cell, the younger X-Men trick Cyclops and Jean Grey to exit the Mansion in order to have a party. However, there is a guest with sinister intentions.
Episode 18"Beast of Bayville"
Dr. Hank McCoy has no energy left to fight his mutation, which forces him to be a violent Beast. When he finally becomes a monster, Spyke is the only one who can possibly reach Dr. McCoy.
Episode 19"Adrift"
When Cyclops and Havok are on a boat tour, a great storm comes, threatening their lives.
Episode 20"On Angel's Wings"
In Christmas time, a mysterious angel is saving people's lives. Rogue and Cyclops track down Warren Worthington, who is deeply unsure about his mutation. Magneto wants to frame him, in order to instill hate against mankind into him, and the two X-Men have to set things straight.
Episode 21"African Storm"
Storm is tormented by Houngan, an evil African shaman who wants to take over Africa. Storm and the X-Men have to stop an enemy who knows every weakness of hers.
Episode 22"Joyride"
Lance Alvers (Avalanche) wants to join the X-Men in order to be near Kitty. Unfortunately, the rest of the Brotherhood, along with several of the X-Men, are not pleased with his decision.
Episode 23"Walk on the Wild Side"
The female X-Men are fed up with playing second fiddle, and form a vigilante crime-fighting group. For a while, things go great, but in the end, an old enemy crosses their way.
Episode 24"Operation: Rebirth"
Nick Fury informs Wolverine that Magneto has stolen a device once used to create the super-soldier Captain America. Wolverine, Rogue and Nightcrawler go to recover it. Meanwhile, Logan reminisces about his history with Captain America during World War II.
Episode 25"Mindbender"
A mysterious hypnotist named Mesmero kidnaps some of the X-Men and brainwashes them into committing crimes for him.
Episode 26"Shadow Dance"
The Bayville High Sadie Hawkins dance arrives, and everybody is scrambling for dates. Jean is highly jealous of Scott's date. In the meanwhile, Forge constructs a device which augments Nightcrawler's teleportation, but is unaware that vicious monsters from the alternate dimension Kurt's power takes him through will now be able to reach Earth.
Episode 27 "Retreat"
In order to help a depressive Beast out of his slump, Kitty arranges a field trip with the New Mutants. However, hunters catch Beast, thinking him to be Bigfoot, and the young mutants must save their teacher from life in captivity.
Episode 28"The Hex Factor"
A mentally unstable, but immensely powerful mutant named Wanda is abducted from a mental institution and becomes the newest Brotherhood member, much to the horror of her brother Pietro. The new Brotherhood defeats the X-Men single-handedly.
Episode 29"Day of Reckoning (Part 1)"
Anti-mutant Bolivar Trask abducts Wolverine and introduces him to his newest invention, the Sentinels. Meanwhile, Magneto wants to provoke all-out war between mankind and mutantkind and summons his Acolytes to create mayhem.
Episode 30"Day of Reckoning (Part 2)"
The X-Men are shocked when Professor X teams them up with the Brotherhood to stop them, but then, a shocking twist reveals that nothing was to be as it seemed to be.
Episode 31"Day of Recovery"The remaining X-Men and Brotherhood members go to Area 51 to save their captive members. However, when Cyclops traps the treacherous Mystique in Area 51 to blackmail her into saying where Professor X is, the squads split. The X-Men are now alone in a world which shuns them.
Episode 32"The Stuff of Heroes"Storm and Beast step in front of the Senate and try to curb rampant anti-mutant racism. The X-Men have to stop Juggernaut, who was unleashed by Mystique and is threatening to destroy a dam. Shadowcat assists Rogue with absorbing the Juggernaut's powers and mind (including information of where the Professor is located). While the Juggernaut is thrown into the dam by Rogue, Iceman freezes him in a giant block of ice, and is declared "long gone now" by Cyclops. Seeing this, Congress decides not to pass any anti-mutant laws.
Episode 33"Mainstream"The outed X-Men return to Bayville High and are scorned and verbally abused. Worse of all, Principal Edward Kelly is now prejudice of every mutant of Xavier's and New York. The School Board decides whether to allow mutants to attend school. The Brotherhood attack to get even with Scott. The X-Men stop them by only using their powers to save people. The School Board votes to allow them to attend school.
Episode 34"The Stuff of Villains"Wanda wants to find out where her father Magneto is and threatens Caliban and then her brother Quicksilver for info. When he refuses, Wanda delivers him to the police. When the Brotherhood wants to break him out of a prison transport, Rogue and Shadowcat appear and prevent Pietro from falling to his death. However, he is less than grateful and with Gambit's help becomes the new leader of the Brotherhood.
Episode 35 "Blind Alley"Jean is about to confess that she loves Scott when Mystique abducts him to a desert in Mexico and steals his ruby quartz glasses. Jean, who has visions of him in peril, tracks him down, although Mystique is determined to kill them both.
Episode 36"X-Treme Measures"Spyke joins a skateboarding contest sponsored by "Pow-R 8" soda. However, Pow-R 8 is harmful to mutants, and when Spyke drinks a swig, his mutation advances and poisons and disfigures him seriously. He is saved by the Morlocks, and in the end, Spyke joins them.
Episode 37 "The Toad, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"Wanda tracks down Magneto to his Acolyte HQ in a near by ski resort. Meanwhile, Kurt is spending time with Amanda Sefton and meeting her parents. Toad steals Nightcrawler's image inducer (thereby blowing his cover in front of the Sefton household) and pursues Wanda, followed by an angry Kurt. However, when Wanda gets abducted by Magneto, the two rescue Wanda, who has been brainwashed by Mastermind into believing her father was a kind and giving man (erasing her memory of the asylum and his "death" by Sentinel).
Episode 38"Self Possessed"Rogue witnesses her crush Scott date Jean. She is consoled by her friend Risty, but when she accidentally touches and absorbs her, she finds out that she was Mystique in disguise. Thinking everybody hates her, Rogue's latent multiple personality disorder breaks through and she loses her sanity. The X-Men have to stop their colleague, who has all their powers combined and in the verge of burning herself out.
Episode 39"Under Lock and Key"Angel spots Gambit stealing a mysterious artifact, but when he wants to stop them, Mesmero fights him off. When the Acolytes want to steal another artifact, the X-Men fight them and discover that there is a bigger plan happening. Soon both teams will face a spider-like being which is virtually unstoppable.
Episode 40"Cruise Control"Taking a break from superhero duty, the X-Men (without Rogue and Berzerker) take a pleasure cruise. However, Magma becomes violently ill, literally suffering from earth withdrawal. When Boom-Boom transfers her to an island, she accidentally triggers a volcano. When the volcano threatens to explode again, Magma dives into its heart to silence it once and for all.
Episode 41"X23"A mysterious assassin terrorizes the X-Mansion, knocking out the X-Men one by one. Wolverine finds out that it is his clone, raised without love by HYDRA, and she wants to kill him because she makes him responsible for her miserable life. Wolverine and X-23, as she is called, square off in a battle which Wolverine does not want to win.
Episode 42 "Dark Horizon (Part 1)"Rogue falls under mind control of Mesmero and is used as a weapon to absorb the mutant powers of every X-Man, Brotherhood, and Acolyte member. The three factions reluctantly cooperate and find out that Mesmero wants Rogue to give all her powers to Apocalypse to awaken him.
Episode 43"Dark Horizon (Part 2)"The X-Men, Brotherhood, and Acolytes track Apocalypse to Egypt, but fail to prevent him from coming back to life. Mankind is now in terrible danger.
Episode 44"Impact"
Strange phenomenon occur in the wake of Apocalypse. A jungle-covered Mayan pyramid complex becomes activated as one of Apocalypse's bases when his craft alights on top of it. The pyramid takes on a tech-ish appearance, and an impenetrable force shield surrounds it, down even into the ground underneath. A nearly-identical base in China is shown in news coverage as being attacked by the Chinese army, with the consequence of an area of several miles radius being utterly destroyed. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler pleads with Agatha Harkness to revive his mother Mystique, who is still turned into stone. Agatha states that a touch from Rogue might restore her, but instead of saving her foster mother, Rogue pushes her over a cliff to Nightcrawler's echoing cries as it shatters. Back in Mexico, the X-Men receive permission from the government down there to study the base, and while they are doing so Magneto makes an attack upon it. He smashes tanks from the surrounding army forces into the force shield to no effect, and then reaches out with his powers to pluck orbital satellites from the sky, sending them at high speed into the force shield, and again to no avail. Finally, Apocalypse emerges, and in one-sided combat Magneto is wrapped in a ball of force and disappears, presumably destroyed utterly.
Episode 45 "No Good Deed"
In order to boost their reputation, the Brotherhood decide to stage accidents and then rescue the bystanders. In the beginning, they are successful, but then, a staged accident runs out of hand. The X-Men just save the day, and the Brotherhood stops with their deeds.
Episode 46 "Target X"
X-23 returns and wants to hunt down the people who tortured her. Wolverine is dragged into the mess by an old enemy, and the two tackle HYDRA and its leader Viper and bring the terrorists down.
Episode 47"Sins of the Son"
Charles Xavier's son David has been seemingly abducted. The X-Men track him down, and it turns out that he suffers from multiple personality disorder, and that his dominant malicious personality, called Lucas, overwhelmed him. In the end, Lucas defeats the X-Men and breaks free
Episode 48"Uprising"
Spyke makes his return, having turned into an angry vigilante who protects the Morlocks. He is unafraid to go in public with his disfiguring mutation, causing panic in his environment - especially since the world is under extreme prejudice against mutants. Anti-mutant racist Duncan Matthews and his friends hunt Spyke down, and stumble on a small boy called Leech. When the X-Men fight Duncan's gang (and try to stop Evan from causing more damage), Leech stops the battle with his powers and is "outed" as a mutant. Spyke realizes that his rage has destroyed Leech's chances for a normal life. Also in this episode a pyramid in China is surrounded by an impenetrable force shield. The Chinese government attack by bombing the force shield but fail and destroy the landscape surrounding the pyramid. SHIELD release Bolivar Trask ordering him to build new improved Sentinels so that they can fight Apocalypse.
Episode 49"Cajun Spice"
Gambit abducts Rogue, so that her powers can aid him in finding his abducted father. The mission is a success, but Rogue finds out that Gambit had some additional, deeply egotistical goals attached. In the end, she states that he did the wrong thing for the right reasons, and that she forgives him.
Episode 50"Ghost of a Chance"
Shadowcat meets Danielle Moonstar and quickly becomes friends with her. But suddenly, she wakes up and realizes that she seemingly dreamt everything up, but then, it seems that her dreams had a deep meaning. In the end, she and Nightcrawler find out what really happened and that Danielle is more than a piece of fiction.
Episode 51"Ascension (Part 1)"
Apocalypse plans to turn all humans with the dormant X-gene into mutants. He has turned Magneto, Professor X, Storm, and Mystique into his Four Horsemen and has covered the world with a network of energy pyramids to stage his plan.
Episode 52"Ascension (Part 2)"The X-Men, the Brotherhood, SHIELD, Angel, Spyke, Havok, and the New Mutants all join forces to save humanity from the ambitions of Apocalypse. Then, Professor X tells them what may happen in the future (because he had glimpsed into the mind of Apocalypse).
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